In the event of a confirmed Resident or Staff positive test for COVID-19 at one of our Homes, here is what will happen:
Upon learning of a confirmed positive test result, we will activate our Pandemic Plan. Public Health, Department of Health and the Health Authority will be contacted. From this point forward, we will work closely with and take direction from the appropriate authority.
The Home will immediately be closed to all visitors. Restrictions may be applied to the members of Partners-In-Care/ Designated Care Givers.
Residents will be informed by way of an in-person meeting with a care team member.
Designated family contacts will receive notifications by way of a phone call and email.
Employees will be informed by way of in-person meetings for those at work, email to their company email.
The general public will receive notification by way of Public Health and any government media releases.
In cooperation and coordination with the appropriate authorities, we will facilitate contact tracing among residents, employees and visitors. We would expect that all residents and employees will be tested within 24 hours.
The Home will implement all pandemic protocols as outlined by Public Health. Resident dining will be in-room with the assistance of employees. Resident group activities will be suspended. Hairdressing services will be suspended. Individual activities and video calls will be increased.