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by Carolyn L. Brown from our Riverside Court location in Woodstock, NB

Ahhhhh, here in good old New Brunswick we have the luxury of the change of seasons, and yes, I know we have to shovel snow and rake leaves but the splendour that explodes before us in God’s universe can sometimes take your breath away. The rhythm of time dictates the change to come, sometimes with rapid explosion and other times with a subtlety we almost miss. But it does creep up on us in its own way and leaves us to say, yes, I’m ready.

The gorgeous view from Riverside Court in the fall

As much as the seasons rotate through their allotted days, so too do we, as humans, revolve around our circadian rhythms, those physical, mental and behavioural changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. You might call it our internal clocks. We also clearly recognize we rotate through the seasons of life and, like nature, we really have no say in whether it is going to happen nor just how it is going to happen.

I have had so many conversations with residents here at MacLeod Riverside Court about life changes. We can be prepared, somewhat prepared or totally blindsided by an experience and further to that, we can accept the change and adapt or fight our way through it with resistance. No one said life changes would be easy although some may seem that way, and like the change in seasons, we may find we have to shovel and rake and growl our way to the other side only to find a breath of fresh air and a golden leaf that falls at our feet, that opportunity that wasn’t there before the change. The challenge is to pick it up and see what you are going to do with it.

Just one of the many groups of friendships formed here at MacLeod Cares with Betty Hatt, Rita Hawketts, Doris Barrie and standing, Dodie Stewart

Oftentimes life changes force us to make decisions we would rather not have to make. So much depends on our relationships with others and our perspective and it is refreshing to listen to our residents share how they have adapted to the changes in their lives by encouraging and supporting each other. All that to say, they can be a source of inspiration to each of us, staff included, because none of us are outside the realm of change. I have heard it said many times in my time here at MacLeod Riverside Court how grateful residents have been when some life change happens. They are here among friends to make that new journey, and especially in knowing it gives their family members a sense of peace and comfort to know they are not alone when they themselves cannot be with them. Maya Angelou quotes ”if you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” One of life’s realities is that there will always be change. We can do this!!!