by Carolyn L. Brown from our Riverside Court location in Woodstock, NB.

We have passed the May 1st mark as clearly evidenced by the May Baskets hanging colourfully throughout the house. In addition to our residents making May Baskets, we had two ladies from our area who come to visit a friend in our home to make one for every resident and every staff member in “the big yellow house.” And they came with candy, too!!
As spring unwraps the last signs of winter and we see ducks in the pond and buds on the trees, we are encouraged for all things fresh and new. So we ask, what does fresh and new look like for you this year? For one of our residents who came for a respite stay for a few months after the death of her husband and some health concerns, she has gone home to spend a bit of time with family and to get her home ready to sell. She came to see me before she left and made a deposit on a suite to return to, excited about her new found friends and life here at MacLeod Riverside Court. When I went to check the suite she will be coming to, I was excited to see she had moved her name tag to the door and left some items she didn’t want to take home and then have to bring back. I can’t say it doesn’t warm one’s heart!! We are anxious for her return.
Needless to say, the Gardening Club is busy growing things to plant outdoors and the May calendar reflects special spring events, a special spring outing as well as Mother’s Day and all things flowers. We await details coming in the near future of the new Memory Care unit coming to Riverside additionally to our Level 2 Special Care Wing and we look forward to a gathering in the near future to share details with residents and families.
I attended a Pastor’s meeting and gathering this week with the presenter asking us if we had a backpack and what we might be carrying around in it. We realized when we looked, that in addition to the physical things we might put in there for a nice spring walk, we were also carrying around a lot of what might be termed “weightless baggage” that we need to concentrate on letting go of. The reinforcement of the message to take time for oneself and to recognize we cannot fix all things resonated loud with us all. Most times these reminders are as fresh as a breath of spring and I was appreciative of the opportunity to hear the message. I admittedly can be the world’s worst at trying to fix things!! So I will try to lighten my backpack!
And so, from MacLeod Riverside Court we say Happy Spring, wish you all a lighter backpack and may the birds singing and the smell of fresh fiddleheads say yes, let it happen!! We are ready!