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by Carolyn L. Brown from our Riverside Court location in Woodstock, NB

It is the 3rd day of January and I am looking out my office window at grass and no snow and a sky that is softly starting to tell me this day too is done. The residents at MacLeod Riverside Court have been out walking today and basking in this gift of a winter break that we have been provided with. We know it won’t last, and being the realists we are, we have no expectation it will, but that doesn’t mean we are not going to enjoy every minute it offers to the fullest. I won’t repeat what I just heard for a weather forecast overnight and spoil our bonus spring!!

Now I was told when I came in for the Church Service on Sunday morning past that there had been quite a New Year’s Eve party happen in the lounge with a good turn- out of residents, lots of food, fun and laughter. No one has admitted staying until midnight but all that to say, I have heard a few stories!! How nice is that to see the residents decide to come together and make their own “ street party” happen right here in the big yellow house!! I say that speaks volumes about their happiness to be here together and to have formed such friendships as to lead them to want to spend time together. That is what makes it a home, not a house.

I did want some evidence of this party so requested a couple of photos and as you can see, the answer was yes. I have to say there would rarely be, if ever, a request of these ladies and gentlemen that I have made that would end up being a no, a clear reflection of what these engaging Seniors are all about. They inspire me daily to be a better person.

The last few months for me have been a tad out of the ordinary to say the least, but all that to say we have rounded a corner in to 2023 with a positive spirit, a bounce in our step and a zest for all things new. That is my wish also for all of you and may the richness of each day be a reward for your kindness, compassion and understanding of those you all have in your lives, family and friends and especially those who need that special word, touch or smile to brighten their day. Blessings for 2023!!!!