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by Carolyn Brown *as published in the June 2022 issue of the River Valley Sun

How nice is the sound of laughter and music being shared amongst visitors and residents that I hear in my office on this Wednesday afternoon during our weekly Happy Hour? I have to say, I occasionally leave my desk to enjoy some of what is going on as over the last couple of years it has almost become a forgotten sound. It is a welcome thing to see the visitors coming into the home so excited to be back and able to share their gift of music with us. On this particular afternoon, we have the UKE Group who try to join us on the last Wednesday of each month when we also celebrate our birthdays.

Joe, Marvin, Beryl, Mable and Helen enjoying some fresh spring air

And so here we are, we celebrate spring, each other, dandelions, (yes, I said dandelions), being able to walk outside, sit outside and all things spring. As I was giving a tour earlier in the day to a couple and we stepped out on the balcony off the dining room, I could tell by the intake of breath that we had scored some brownie points as we admired that view of river and greenery looking over toward the Grafton hills. As new life springs from the root of the earth, how can we not feel alive with fresh hope and renewed strength in all it speaks of even though we sometimes shudder when we think of change, and yet, we never fear the changes of springtime but always welcome them!!

We have been excited to welcome several new residents to our home over the last couple of months and so far this month. We have been busy doing tours and it is so nice to have this happening now when the springtime view is so lovely. We remain ever grateful and thankful to our current residents who certainly know how to throw out the welcome mat. We appreciate you. Move-ins are always an extra workload for our staff and I personally say thank you to them for stepping up to the plate so readily when I throw things in their direction!!!

Our gardening club is actively trying to keep the deer away from their lovely outdoor garden while we delight in watching mama fox with her 5 pups. I have to say I was less excited to see a skunk boogying up the NB Trail and going under a culvert pretty close by. In my many years of early morning running, I have come pretty close to these black and white creatures, often too close, and my husband always told me, if “ it” happens, just keep on running.

And so, until next time, Happy Spring and summer Blessings.